Thursday, July 10, 2008


I don't know about anybody else, but I've had enough of these gas prices. It is ridiculous with the technology that we possess in this day and age, to not have a solution to the gas crisis.
Well, the reality is, it isn't that we don't have the technology and resources for a change, we just have some really greedy bastards at the helm. We all know that Pres. Bush acts real concerned with the current problem, but then sits back as he watches his stock go up and up. I think that we should change the name of the country to "The United Stations and Gas Companies".
Hey, I figure since I am ranting and venting, why not move on to other things that infuriate me.
NASA, the number one leech on society, next to the illegal immigrants. All my life I have wondered why we are so anxious to spend billions of dollars on something so pointless as finding out what the surface of Mars is like. Sure, I think that it is interesting to learn more and more about the universe in which we live, but at what expense.
Think about how far ahead of the game we would be if we put that money into something more useful like our education system, college scholarships, or the starving citizens of this country!
Maybe someday in the future we'll get someone with the cahones to completely irradicate this useless program (this section gives a shout-out to my Father-in-law).
Next, let's talk about presidential canidates. I hope and pray that one day we will get someone worth voting for. Every election instead of voting for who we think is the best, we have to vote for the best of the worst. People talk about change, whether we get McCain or Obama, we're screwed either way.
Lastly, my big beef for the day is with illegal immigrants. Now, to start off I want to say that I have no problem with those that come to this country to better their situation. But, I don't want that to happen at the expense of my family or the country I once knew. My biggest beef with illegals is the confused patriotism. They flow into the United States to better their lives, but they are eager to display and wave their previous country's flag - especially Mexico. I know a lot of great Mexican Americans that came here legally and work hard every day to contribute just as much as anyone else. We don't need people here illegally sucking out our taxes for free healthcare, education, etc.
However, the most at blame are the politicians. It is interesting that we can have the most advanced military system in the world, but we can't seem to secure our borders.
I know that some of the things that I have written in this entry have probably offended some people. Well, all I can say is "one thousand more fools are being born every day". I can care less about being politically correct or living a lie.


tmg_founder said...

Man am I offended! HA! Not really! of course not. Of course you're my favorite son in law now (--- Hey I wonder if Adam or Alan are reading this? Naw, probably not.) Highest bidder? Highest bidder???
I especially like the NASA section - of course! But seriously - We live in very scary times. I wish we had some good lawyers and teachers out there that could help us. Maybe in the near future. Or maybe we just need some good farmers. Love the new blog - now keep it up!

Robyn said...

Excellent! I love that you are willing to stand up and say what you think. I agree with you on most points. But you have given rise to the tip of the iceberg. Least on my list of concerns is the illegal alien problem. Don't get me started on how the government has set this program in motion and riles up the citizen to want to do something and then turn their backs on any real change. Politicians are at best liars and conniving cretins living off the blood of the innocent.

Phil Gramm has done nothing but live off the public dole by being an elected official for most of his life. Now he has the nerve to tell us that we are a bunch of whiners. It's just about time for the government to get their due and everything will collapse leaving the people to fend for themselves. It will probably be the worst of times, yet the best of times for certain.

If the citizens of this countrywould pull out their Declaration of Independence and read it, apply it, and then quit voting to tax ourselves and repeal some of them, this place would be a better place to live. Instead we allow a small group of people to enslave the rest of us.

S'mee said...

amen and amen