Monday, July 28, 2008

Ode to Bee Arthur

I was having some fun on my sight making fun of good "old" John McCain, and I thought hey, no one remembers the good ol' "Golden Girls".
I know that I am going to get a lot of crap for posting this, but hey, you got to follow your gut instincts when it comes to good quality programming. I mean, if Ma makes fun of Rose one more time, I think I am going to bust a gut laughing. By the way my wife will constantly make fun of me, a grown man, for watching this program. But, there is just something about old ladies constantly making fun of each other like they are teenage harlots, that is just endlessly entertaining. Come on. If you are man enough to admit that you also love this program, just leave a comment expressing your love for Bee Arthur and her deep man-voice.
So, to those crazy funny "golden" ladies, I say "thanks for all the laughs and the warm moments eating up cake in your kitchen.


Robyn said...

ugh. I lived through the first round of this show. Not in for the reruns at all.

Gillian said...

Umm From being forced to watch this every morning getttng ready for work, I know that they eat cheesecake and chocolate cake not just any cake!

Phantom said...

Easy ladies, this section is for tribute only, go easy on the old ladies. Sheesh!
These comments obviously stage from jealousy. Haha.

tmg_founder said...

I don't know what to say... Sorry I just can't pay tribute. But on a psychological note... My son, my son!!! Now I'm starting to worry. Bean, better keep this uy out of the nursing home, if you know what I mean! Oh my garsh!

tmg_founder said...

That's "guy" not "uy". Oh my phat fingers!

Phantom said...

Easy, easy, I like the show G-man, but that's all. I figure since I don't really understand women, I might as well see what they are like at the end of their lives, and work backwords. Haha.
Well, I should just move on before someone buys me a gladiator movie for Christmas. Geesh!

tmg_founder said...

alright... you're young. So I'm going to give you a little insight here. Your problem is thinking that you CAN understand women! I'm sorry to say that'll never happen! Believe me. Decades of experience here.