Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shout out to my Peeps

I just wanted to say thanks to all of my family and all of their support. I never really understood the reason for blogs, or why anyone would want one, until now. I feel like I am more connected than before to my family. This has become a new fun experience for me. I am grateful for a place to let my personality shine, as ackward and bizarre as that might be.
All I have to say is, thanks for letting me be who I truly am! I truly love you all, even Adam.

Just joking about Adam, Adam is great! He can't be too bad with such a great daughter.


Brianna said...

You Rock! Plus, you aren't to shabby as a great uncle! I am glad you are blogging, it is nice to have you around, even when you are a few hundred miles away! Love you guys!!

Robyn said...

hehehe. We only look good in blogs!

But then again, you seem to fit in pretty will around here! I'm glad we get to see more of your personality here. You guys are the bomb! And, well I should know, we've been explosive for years.